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Keyboarding Expectations by Grade

Kindergarten- find any letter or number key on the keyboard

1st grade- find any key on the keyboard and know which hand to use for each half of the keyboard

2nd grade- 5 WPM using correct hand


Keyboarding- We use the program Keyboarding Without Tears

Keyboarding Without Tears is a K-5 web-based curriculum for students to practice pre-keyboarding and keyboarding skills- such as typing, general computer readiness, and digital citizenship.

You can find KWT by logging onto Clever. To log onto Clever you will need to type your and your password. 

Clever is a free website that provides educational games and activities for school age children. There are games to practice keyboarding that work with the child's age and ability.

                  Kindergarten-Cup Stack typing and Typing Rocket Jr.

                    1st Grade-Cup Stack typing Jump Key and Typing Rocket Jr.

                    2nd Grade and 3rd Grade- AlphaMunchies, Cup Stack typing,

                    Jump Key, Keyboard Challenge, Keyboard Invasion, Typing Race and Typing Rocket



Dance Mat Typing is a free typing program from the BBC. This program reinforces what we have learned using Keyboarding Without Tears. Dance Mat Typing is appropriate 2nd and 3rd graders.

Dance Mat Typing