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We love 2nd grade
Mrs. Brooks' 2nd Graders
We love 2nd grade
100 for the Hungry Canned Food Drive
Mrs. Brooks' 2nd Graders Food Drive
100 for the Hungry Canned Food Drive
Mrs. Brooks' 2nd Graders Visit the Starlab
Mrs. Brooks' 2nd Graders Visit the Starlab at Oak Orchard
100 Missing Mustangs
Mrs. Brooks' 2nd Grader Found A Mustang
100th Day Celebration 100 Missing Mustangs

News & Announcements


Oak Orchard Primary School is now accepting a Request for a Proposal for Community Based Organizations to partner with the District in providing UPK instruction. Please see the attached documentation for more information. Any questions should be directed to Oak Orchard Primary School Principal, Jennifer Stearns at the contact information provided.

Information here.

Oak Orchard Primary School News

Upcoming Events